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Toten Hosen Ballast Rapidshare

카테고리 없음

by obacacab1981 2020. 3. 2. 14:53


23 July 2001. Retrieved 20 May 2014. Retrieved 20 May 2014. Pilsen: Bajo otra bandera, Sony Music, 2-470212. Honest John Plain: Honest John Plain & Friends, Feedback Music, 92.

The Boys: Power Cut, Eastwest Records, 0630-18041-2. Bad Religion: Raise Your Voice, Sony Music. 12-665675-14.

Toten Hosen Ballast Rapidshare 2

Fehlfarben: „Sechsundzwanzigeinhalb“, WR 1037682. Retrieved 20 May 2014.External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to.


Being more of a metalhead/hard rocker, I have to admit that when I heard the first notes of 'Tage wie diese' I was a little concerned. I was hoping for more 'Strom' in the new album. However, by halfway through the song I was more than happy. This is a great rock anthem-type of song-it's not fast and heavy like 'Strom', but it still rocks! Great sing-along kind of tune, really big and melodic. The other three songs in this release are cool-'Champions League' has a catchy chorus (in English, while the rest of the tune is in German).

I'm a recent Toten Hosen fan-a friend brought me 'Machmalauter Live' back from Germany when she visited her home there last year, and I've been loving them ever since. This 4-song release was the first new music from DTH I'd heard since becoming a fan, and it did not disappoint! Cover albums are generally a cheap and easy way for bands to release an album when they have not gotten around to doing anything themselves. To keep fans hanging, they knock out a few songs someone else has written. Some work reasonably well ('Acid Eaters' by The Ramones), some are decidedly average ('Garage Inc' by Metallica, 'Undisputed Attitude' by Slayer) and some are outright rubbish ('The Spaghetti Incident?'

Die Toten Hosen Rock Band

By Guns and Roses). 'Learning English, Lesson One', however, is in a class of it's own.Die Toten Hosen were at one time the biggest punk band in the world, but were generally ignored by English speaking audiences because they performed in German. In their first crack at English, the band produced a highly entertaining album.Moreover, what we have here is a delightful English language instruction tape, complete with Janet and John discussing the finer points of pronunciation, usage, taking dirty pictures,. In case you're wondering what the UPC number for this CD is, it's 0777 787873 27.Kauf MICH! (Buy ME!) blatantly advertises Die Toten Hosen's sense of humor. If I understood German, I would understand their wacky (but rockin') songs about soccer playing and politics.

Should you open the jewel case, you'll find a nice big Danke. On the inside.Their music, however, is utterly serious and extremely well produced. Has a bit of echo throughout, giving the album an extra depth to it. The songs sound raw, overlayed with rattling lyrics, and some of the best recorded drums I've heard in a long time. While my favorite album of theirs so far is 'Unsterblich,' this record has one of my favorite tracks ever recorded on the face of the planet: Willkommen in Deutschland (Welcome to Germany). Campino sings about his country and how. If you own ANYTHING else by the Toten Hosen, you'll like this.

I've been an Amazon.com customer for years, and (to the best of my memory) this is my first review-the album is worth it. Fine, it's not their BEST album, but it's a lot of fun, and they seem to have learned how to play a few of their instruments in the last decade.;) This is another DTH album to slurp down altbier to and run through the streets singing without carring what the neighbors think.' Kanzler Sein' and 'Graue Panther' are on endless loop on my CD player; they're fun but not devoid of social commentary. 'Kein Alkohol ist auch keine Loesung' is on par with the Altbier song and Bis zum Bitterem Ende. If you want to turn your non-germanophile friends on to DTH, but 'Learning English' is too compilation-y for you.