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Pathways Training Courses

카테고리 없음

by obacacab1981 2020. 2. 26. 08:09


  1. Pathway Courses

UND’s Pathway III(b) course fulfills the CBDM eligibility requirements to completea 90 hour (minimum) foodservice course curriculum, with a minimum of two years ofinstitutional foodservice management experience. This UND Pathway III course includesthe required coursework in foodservice management and nutrition. Your UND certificateof completion is accepted by ANFP/CBDM for Pathway III(b). Students are responsiblefor the employment information form that verifies a minimum of two years of foodservicemanagement experience, when submitting their registration for the CBDM national credentialingexamination to become a CDM, CFPP.Students completing UND training routinely exceed the national average pass rate forthe CDBM credentialing examination.

CoursesPathways Training Courses

Pathway Courses

Required time: 120 hours Earn your CDM, CFPP credentialBecome a Dietary Manager. To earn your CDM, CFPP credential you'll need to pass thenational credentialing exam offered through the Certifying Board for Dietary Managers(CBDM).UND’s Pathway III(b) Dietary Manager Training prepares you for the CBDM credentialingexam through self-paced lessons that are designed to work around your busy schedule.You complete your course online. You'll 'attend class' wherever and whenever it'sconvenient for you!Once you have successfully completed the Pathway III(b) Training and have two or moreyears of documented institutional foodservice management experience, you're eligibleto take the CBDM national credentialing exam. Review the ‘Employment VerificationForm’ to verify your foodservice management experience here: This form is submitted to CBDM when you register for your national credentialingexam. The exam is offered year-round using computer based testing.Review the for exam registration, process, eligibility requirements and an exam content outline.Join a training program that consistently exceeds national standards for certificationexam pass rates!