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Cnc Font Software

카테고리 없음

by obacacab1981 2020. 2. 14. 10:12


Cnc Font Software

Have you tried the Express Tool - explode text command - the command namesis 'txtexp'. You can use any font but probably SHX fonts work the best suchas simplex.shx.

Fonts For Cnc Machine

You can use truetype fonts but after exploding they need alittle editing.-George Drayton CD-CAD LtdChristchurch New Zealandwrote in message news:5502740@discussion.autodesk.com.I currently am using AutoCAD 2007 integrated with Microvellum and would liketo know of any font software that will work with CNC machining that willcreat a true single line font for engraving. Any help would be greatlyapreciated.